
After being blown away by their set at Dot to Dot festival, I met with one half of Nottingham-based band Swallowtail to discuss their journey so far. Vocalist Katie Prescott and guitarist Caleb Ryde are gearing up to move to Brighton, where they will study at Waterbear College, joined by drummer Drew Vickerstaff and bassist Fred Ford. However, their band is already making big waves on the Nottingham shoegaze scene, putting them in better stead than most music-hungry 18 year olds.

“At college we’ve all been on the same performance course, but when we go down to Waterbear we’re splitting up to do different things.” explains Ryde. Set to study a range of production, songwriting and performance courses between them, it’s clear the band have their head in the game regarding expanding their skillset and furthering the band’s trajectory. “The music scene [in Brighton] is sick too, and it’s so close to London. We are still going to be up in Nottingham a lot too though, to keep both feet in the door. The band is doing really well and it feels really special to us. There is always the question of whether it’s just a college band, but for us it’s definitely gone further. I think we are really lucky to take it down there - we’re all shit scared together!” laughs Prescott, who originated the band with an acoustic duo, previously titled Smokey Penny. Ryde laughs at this, as Prescott explains, “The old name was based off my Auntie Penny, who’s a chain smoker - whenever she enters a room she says ‘Smokey Penny’s here!’ - Caleb said absolutely not to that name!”. Ryde replies - “It wasn’t necessarily the name that was the problem, it was more that it sounded like we were a blues band who were about to go on and play double bass! It wasn’t the worst name in the world but I’m pretty glad we changed it. Lineups kept getting it wrong too.”

Swallowtail was born following a change of bassist, the addition of Ryde and drummer Vickerstaff, and one of Prescott’s ‘2am YouTube rabbit holes’. “I ended up reading all about chaos theory and ripple effects and then stumbled across the term swallowtail. I thought it sounded cool. It has all this different imagery behind it too - like that Egyptian creature, [an ouroboros], that swallows itself, and butterflies too of course. It felt like a really cool visual idea and it stuck.” The pair explain how it also linked to the Wolf Alice song of the same name, a favourite band of Prescott’s, as well as The Brian Jonestown Massacre song, one of Ryde’s musical inspirations. Overall, it felt like a perfect fit. The name became official after the release of their first single in January, Spring Guillotine, a track that swells with a sense of nostalgia, underpinned by a pulsing rhythm that twinkles beneath Prescott’s ethereal vocals. As the track explodes into its climax, Vickerstaff’s crashing and expansive drumming overtakes the repeated vocal line, I try, I try, I try - heightening the emotional impact of those words as we hear Prescott fighting to be heard over the striking instrumentation. It’s a truly beautiful offering, mature beyond these musicians mere eighteen years of age.

Ryde and Prescott describe their musical diet growing up as varied, with Ryde starting out with classic rock such as Guns N’ Roses and Nirvana, before stumbling across Cocteau Twins and other shoegaze artists like My Bloody Valentine. Prescott describes ‘being that kid whose mum played them Leonard Cohen and Nick Cave’. “Lyrics and melody have always been what I listen for in music. My dad showed me punk, things like The Clash and the Pistols. Then my brother (my family are very much into music!) got me more into experimental stuff. He loves prog music - he’s obsessed with the band Tool. I also love the Cocteau Twins - anything Elizabeth Fraser does I like! It feels like a weird party mix of everything, but I guess that’s what gives us the sound we have. We all take from different places and end up here.” she explains. The pair laugh while describing drummer Vickerstaff as an ex-‘metal head’, who they’ve managed to convert to more psych rock styles. “The other day I asked him when he last listened to metal and he said ‘Don’t talk to me about metal - I hate it now!’. He’s so quiet too, which is funny considering how much he smashes the shit out of the kit.” grins Ryde. “Drew is definitely the best drummer we’ve ever met. People often say to us after gigs, ‘You were great, you were great… but the drummer is something else!’. He has no idea how good he is.” adds Prescott. Continuing to chat about their dreams of supporting bands like Just Mustard, NewDad, Wunderhorse and The Cure, it’s clear the band eat, sleep and breathe music.

Describing their songwriting process, Ryde explains, “We’ve written some things through jamming, but as time has gone on we realised we work better if we go home and spend time thinking about it. We often start with the instrumentation first and then Katie will write lyrics on top.” To have a clarified writing process this early on is no mean feat, and it sounds like the band have become a lot closer along the way. “Me and Caleb are massive perfectionists, which can be irritating for Drew and Fred, who are more like ‘Ok, that’s good enough’. Me and Caleb can’t stop until it’s perfect!” laughs Prescott. “I mean we’ve known each other for a while now, and we really love and care about each other, so we can be friends away from music. At the start we were bandmates before being mates. Now there is this level of mutual respect and we’ve figured out what works best. It’s intense sometimes, especially when it’s not working. Like anything with creativity, when you bring forth an idea it’s like your baby! And you really don’t want anyone to crush your baby.”. After their recent performance at local music event In The Clouds, Swallowtail are taking a break from playing live this month to record their first EP - an exciting next step for this young band brimming with potential. They have several gigs lined up for later in the summer, including supporting band Sex Toy Vending Machine and playing at Golden Fleece festival, not to mention their first headline show at The Angel in Nottingham on 9th August. It’s hard not to feel inspired after hearing Prescott and Ryde speak with such joy and passion about where they are at currently. The journey is just starting for Swallowtail.

Author: Kitty Pilgrim-Morris

